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What can we tell you about us?

We always have an open ear for our customers, beacuse that's how we arrive at the best solution together.

About us

We are not only a gearbox expert and planetary gearbox manufacturer. We are also a family business that has been delighting customers since 1928 with our passion for high availability and quality at a good price, with our broad modular system for the safe and precise adaptability of our gearboxes to the application, and with not only fast but also first-class solutions for every requirement.

Read more about our performance promise and our history here!

All information at a glance


Do you have any questions about our company? Or would you like to know how we can help you with the perfect planetary gearbox for your application? If so, just contact us! We will be happy to listen to you and will certainly find the right solution for you!

Establishing contact

Sales and locations

From Kippenheim (located between Freiburg and Strasbourg) we are there for you and your concerns worldwide. This is because we operate a worldwide network of our own sales engineers and sales partners, whose knowledge and commitment you can count on locally - no matter where your Neugart gearbox is in use.

To overview


We live by the zero-defect philosophy. For you, this means: You can rely 100% on our planetary and custom gearboxes. To achieve this, we rely on a comprehensive quality management system that helps us to improve continuously.

Find out more


For us, sustainability and quality go hand in hand. Because our reliable, durable and virtually maintenance-free planetary gearboxes are in themselves sustainable solutions to your drive issues. Furthermore, we are certified to the environmental standard DIN EN ISO 14001. Likewise to DIN EN 16247-1 for energy audits.

Neugart & sustainability

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