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Tec Data Finder Neugart

Tec Data Finder – find the right gearbox with just a few clicks

TDF, this is our Tec Data Finder and with its help you can quickly and safely find the right combination of motor and gearbox. The TDF works intuitively and transparently - but just try it out! You will see: It makes finding the right gearbox extremely easy for you!

Start Configuration
Download technical data sheets & CAD models

Download data sheets and CAD models!

Flexible selection

Configure your gearbox exactly how you need it!

Integrated comparison view

Use the integrated comparison view of multiple gearbox configurations!

Direct request for quotation

Get a request for quotation immediately at the end!

Configure the gearbox that's right for you!

Are you looking for a gearbox that fits your requirements and the needs of your customers exactly? If so, then our TDF – the Tec Data Finder – makes it easy for you. This is because it allows you to filter our wide range of available options directly so that you are shown the geometrically appropriate gearboxes. You can start your selection by entering either a gearbox or your motor.
By the way, for designers we have also linked our NCP in the selection area – this is our software for designing gearboxes.


Haven't found what you are looking for?

Then use our intuitive tools! The right gearbox and the associated CAD data will then be just a few clicks away.

Find your gearbox with the Product Filter!

The Product Filter is brilliantly simple. Moreover, it leads you directly to the right solution. Try it out!

Product Filter

For professionals: the NCP

The Neugart Calculation Program, abbreviated NCP, is our calculation software for gearbox configuration. With it, you can put together the perfect gearbox-motor configuration. Directly, based on your application data.

Neugart Calculation Program

Do you have questions about TDF?

We would be happy to help you!
Neugart USA Corp.

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