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New DNK sustainability report published

For the second time, Neugart publishes a sustainability report according to the DNK standard. The DNK-compliant documentation of all relevant measures takes place continuously and always retrospectively, in the current report for the year 2022.

The report validates and evaluates the successful implementation of the comprehensive sustainability strategy. Last but not least, it also enables Neugart's customers to demonstrably improve their own sustainability performance and make corresponding optimizations transparent to their partners.

German Sustainability Code (DNK)
Regular reporting in accordance with the German Sustainability Code (DNK) makes the company's development over time visible. The framework for this is provided by the twenty DNK criteria and supplementary non-financial performance indicators. Neugart thus substantiates the implementation of the management goals that the family-owned company is pursuing as part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy.

You can find the sustainability report of Neugart GmbH here.

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