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New Software Version NCP 4.2

Update for the Neugart configuration tool

Complex load trends in the drivetrain can be calculated in the NCP, and the optimum application-specific motor/gearbox combination determined on this basis. With the update, it is now also possible for propulsion drives in Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and the new NGV gearbox range that is tailored to these vehicles. Existing projects from current or older NCP versions can now also be loaded for newly designed controlled systems and compared with them.

As well as these new functions, Neugart has simplified the operation of the tool with version 4.2 and improved user friendliness: conversions are no longer required when importing read-out motor data, for example. Users of popular CAD programs can now also use the familiar full stop as a separator as well as the comma. Calculations can also be carried out in the input fields. And the gearbox documentation has also been optimized, meaning that the user detects whether the selected gearbox is actually suitable on the basis of utilization bars.

And last but not least, NCP 4.2 has an example for every application, which makes it easy to learn how to use the tool.

More details on the NCP 4.2 can be found here:

NCP 4.2

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