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NCP Entry Level

Entry-level training products and NCP

A few clicks and inputs instead of long calculations; Get to know our NCP: the free design software we have developed for you. From installation to the first drive train design. Let's assume you have finished designing your system. All you are missing is the drive train for the linear motion. You still have to determine this. And already the first questions arise:

  • How was that conversion into a rotary motion determined?
  • What torques and speeds are required?

It is clear that the calculations involved can be demanding and take a lot of time. But not if you are our customer. Because our free NCP design software takes care of this task for you. Simply enter the motion control data, load it into the NCP program and it performs the required calculations. It also helps you choose the right planetary gearbox and motor. In addition to the support provided by NCP, our brief product overview will help you with your gearbox selection.

In this seminar you will learn:

  • about our product portfolio (short overview),
  • how to select the appropriate planetary gearbox,
  • how easy it is to install NCP program
  • and how to design a drive train based on a concrete example.

This seminar is intended for:

  • Engineers and technicians from the areas of development, construction and applications engineering who design and optimize appropriate drive elements for machines and systems.
  • Experience with the corresponding software is not necessary.


Our web seminars are held on a regular basis. You can find the current dates for them here. We hope that some will interest you. If not, get in touch with us! 

Registration fees

Free of charge


Approx. 50 minutes followed by a Q&A session


Please contact us if you are interested.

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