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Tec Data Finder

Find the right gearbox for your drive - in an instant.

With the Tec Data Finder, we make selecting the best solution as easy as possible for you. We promise. From product code to 3D model, dimension sheet and quote in just a few clicks.

The Tec Data Finder (TDF) helps you find the perfect match between motor and planetary gearbox. In the web seminar, we show you how to proceed in two directions: If you already know which planetary gearbox you want to use, you can use the TDF to find the right motor directly - and vice versa.

In addition, the TDF provides you directly with the 3D data required for the design. And the other technical information for the documentation. The web seminar also includes this content.

To do this, we show you how to estimate the cost of the drive train and obtain a quote directly with the TDF. Because both save you time and quickly get you the information you really want.

In this seminar you will learn:

  • how to apply the product filter
  • how to create a user profile
  • how to configure a gearbox-motor unit
  • how to enter your own motor dimensions
  • how to request technical data and request a quote
  • how to use the user account efficiently with the saved requests

This seminar is intended for:

Engineers and technicians who want to pre-select a suitable planetary gearbox online and then need 3D data for their design or the technical documents for project documentation.


Our web seminars are held on a regular basis. You can find the current dates for them here. We hope that some will interest you. If not, get in touch with us! 

Registration fees

Free of charge


Approx. 50 minutes followed by a Q&A session


Please contact us if you are interested.

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