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Neugart nominated for Dürr Supplier Award 2016

Designated as one of the most important partner suppliers

Chosen from thousands of its suppliers, Dürr nominated Neugart for the prestigious Dürr Supplier Award 2016. Dürr AG named the best 32 suppliers to be nominated for the award. They evaluated the following categories: Global Partner, Quality & Reliability, and Innovation & Technology.

The nomination is based on the supplier evaluation of the past years and was carried out by the Dürr Global Sourcing Board (GSB) in coordination individual departments.

Neugart Managing Partners Bernd Neugart and Thomas Herr attended the Dürr Supplier Day 2016 and were proud to be a top supplier for Dürr.

“This recognition from such well-known customers, such as Dürr, confirms our partners’ trust in the quality of our products. However, the basis for cooperation is a trusting and partnership-based approach on all business levels. We are looking forward to further intensifying our customer relations with Dürr and will continue to work on being the leading provider of precision gearboxes,” Bernd Neugart said.

CFO at Dürr AG Ralph Heuwing explained, “As a growth-focused company, we need reliable partners who will be at our side in our global operations. The Dürr Supplier Award is our way of underlining our relationship with strategically important suppliers and thanking them for the quality of their collaboration with us…We make high demands of our suppliers because they contribute to our success with our customers. Treating each other respectfully as equals is a very important factor in this regard for us.”

For decades, Neugart has specialized in the development, manufacturing and sale of planetary gearboxes, supplying its customers with the best solution for every application for the field of precision gearboxes.

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