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Sorrow on the passing of senior boss Georg Neugart

After a fulfilling entrepreneurial life, Georg Neugart died on March 31, 2023 at the age of 88. As senior boss, the son of company founder Karl Neugart and father of today's managing director Bernd Neugart, was closely associated with the company and its workforce until the end, even after his retirement as an active partner.

But Georg Neugart was not only present in his native Baden as a family businessman: his passion also extended to gliding, skiing and tennis. In the Lahr Pilots Group he held numerous honorary and board positions over many decades. "I have actually had three lives in my life, the family, the business and flying," was how Georg Neugart looked back on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Birthday happily behind.

Georg Neugart was born on September 9, 1934 in Furtwangen in the Black Forest, where his father Karl Neugart had founded a factory for precision mechanical parts in 1928. In 1943 the company and family moved to Kippenheim. After an apprenticeship as a toolmaker and subsequent attendance at a commercial college, Georg Neugart joined his father's company, which passed to him and his sister Erika Herr (née Neugart) in 1967.

The first distribution channels in Germany, France, the Benelux countries, Italy and Austria were established during this period. In 1969, sales of a million were achieved for the first time, and in 1978, the company moved to its current Kippenheim location on Keltenstraße . In 1999, Georg Neugart handed over the management of the company to the next generation.

Neugart GmbH, the shareholders and their families as well as the employees worldwide bid farewell to their senior boss Georg Neugart with a sense of deep sorrow and will honor his memory.

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